Friday, May 13, 2016

We're heading to Busitema University in Mbale, Uganda!

We've joined the Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP) - a unique collaboration between Seed Global Health, Peace Corps, and PEPFAR that was established to strengthen health education and delivery through working with partner countries to meet their long-term health care human resource needs.

GHSP Places volunteer physicians and nurses as faculty for one-year rotations in medical and nursing schools in Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Swaziland to address this persistent shortage of health care professionals.

Sarah will work to build the Obstetrics and Gynecology department at Busitema University School of Medicine, alongside teaching medical students and resident physicians the art of OB/GYN.

Dennis will teach computer skills to enhance healthcare education and provision at Busitema University School of Medicine.

Is this the same place where Sarah was working way back in 2011? Nope! Sarah was in Kisoro, the very south west corner of Uganda while in med school. This time around we will be in the south east part of Uganda, near the Kenyan border.

July 11 - 21: Orientation in Washington DC
July 21: Fly to Uganda

February 26: Kilimanjaro Marathon
July/August 2017: Final Return

Want to visit us while abroad? Let us know! We would love to host you! Let us know so we can give you details and schedule the best time to visit.

Looking forward to sharing the many adventures to come!

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